Adecta ist eine erfahrene Detektei für diskrete nationale und internationale Ermittlungen im privaten und geschäftlichen Bereich. Mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung bietet sie professionelle Detektivarbeit mit modernster Technik und höchster Diskretion. Adecta steht für Qualität, Seriosität und gerichtsverwertbare Ergebnisse. Unfortunately, private life circumstances are often characterized by delicate events and situations. Certain life situations can bring with them significant challenges and difficulties that are difficult to overcome alone. In such situations, professional support is urgently needed, but people are often hesitant to confide in others because private matters can be extremely personal and sometimes embarrassing. In such cases, hiring a private detective is the best choice. Whether it is about questions of fidelity in a relationship, investigations into family matters or even the topic of stalking - a private detective like the one from the ADECTA detective agency is often the only trustworthy and competent contact in such situations.

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