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Modern Postbebop


Kind of Blue


The Undiscovered Few

4 Wheel Drive II(Digipak)
![The Köln Concert (Vinyl LP) [Vinyl LP]](https://preispirat.de/image/160/51FePTvS0iL.webp)
The Köln Concert (Vinyl LP) [Vinyl LP]
![Please remove the "180 Gramm" for the enumeration value "LP" [Vinyl LP]](https://preispirat.de/image/160/51a3kJODKML.webp)
Please remove the "180 Gramm" for the enumeration value "LP" [Vinyl LP]

The Best of

Bags & Trane

The Köln Concert

Christmas With My Friends VIII

The Duke

The Best of
![Good Vibes at the Pawnshop Jazz Club [Vinyl LP]](https://preispirat.de/image/160/612I4eFGAGL.webp)
Good Vibes at the Pawnshop Jazz Club [Vinyl LP]


Cool Blue (Rvg)

Soul Flowers (Legends of Acid Jazz)

Song Lives on

Karma (Impulse Master Sessions)

Idle Moments (Rvg)

Original Album Classics

Midnight Blue Rudy van Gelder

Swiss Movement


Feeling the Spirit-Rvg

Boss Tenor (Pr-7180)

Empyrean Isles (Rvg)

Magic Moments 16-in the Spirit of Jazz (Digipak)

Solo Concerts Bremen / Lausanne (Luminessence Serie)
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