Materialien & Gase

Soft Matter: Concepts, Phenomena, and Applications

Soft Matter: Concepts, Phenomena, and Applications

93,41 €
A New Science of Heaven: How the new science of plasma physics is shedding light on spiritual experience

A New Science of Heaven: How the new science of plasma physics is shedding light on spiritual experience

10,99 €
Laser: Theorie, Typen und Anwendungen

Laser: Theorie, Typen und Anwendungen

49,99 €
Physics of Elasticity and Crystal Defects: 2nd Edition (Oxford on Materials Modelling, Band 6)

Physics of Elasticity and Crystal Defects: 2nd Edition (Oxford on Materials Modelling, Band 6)

48,26 €
Introduction to Advanced Electrodynamics

Introduction to Advanced Electrodynamics

84,38 €
Introduction to Laser-Plasma Interactions (Graduate Texts in Physics)

Introduction to Laser-Plasma Interactions (Graduate Texts in Physics)

58,99 €
Nanofinishing of Textile Materials (The Textile Institute Book Series)

Nanofinishing of Textile Materials (The Textile Institute Book Series)

219,99 €
Impact Mechanics

Impact Mechanics

29,25 €
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