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The Cursed Witch (Timecaster Chronicles Book 1) (English Edition)

A Summer of Unity: A Clean Fantasy Romance Novella (Defenders of the Realm Book 11) (English Edition)

Frozen Hearts and Death Magic (Of Fire & Fae Book 1) (English Edition)

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The Pirate King's Thief: A Standalone Fantasy Romance (Realm of Dragons and Fae Book 3) (English Edition)

Embers of Fate: An Elice, the Great Novella (English Edition)

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A Study in Drowning: Zeilen aus Sturm und Stille

King of Beasts (Curse of the Dark Kingdom Book 4) (English Edition)

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Queen of the Vampires: A Modern-Day Paranormal Romance Snow White Retelling with a Vampire Twist (Seven Magics Academy Book 3) (English Edition)

Rell's Kiss (Lauele Fractured Folktales) (English Edition)
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